[Fruitarian♡Fruit-based♡Plant-based♡Diet♡D+287] 2018.10.14

홀푸드 Whole Food

과일중심 Fruit-Based

자연식물식 Plant-Based 

고탄수화물 저지방 다이어트
High Carbohydrate Low Fat

프루테리언을 지향하는
다이어트 일기
Fruitarian Diet Diary

I'm Jin-hong.

I think I'm doing a good job on fruit-meal these days.
Of course, I still eat regular food or vegan food.. these days, I feel that it is easier to eat only fruit than past.

I thought I should eat banana for main fruit for get energy.
but now, I'm not think about that. I just eat fruit do I want to eat.


I ate ripe-persimmon again. these days, persimmon is best fruit to me.

because, they were juicy and sweet.
Actually, when I ate persimmon, I felt something was not full. but I felt better after when I was waiting a few minute.
I need to get used to it.

felt, I need something salty food... so, I ate paprikas.
red was little spicy and yellow was sweet.
I prefer yellow.


I ate 6 persimmons and I ate only two apples.
I'm going to get some bananas and some apples for lunch tomorrow.
I wanted to avoid it for this reason.

Tomorrow will be busy. I hope I'm doing good job.

Enjoy Fruit-based Meal!!

Start Plant-based Diet!!


Blog ▷ https://blog.naver.com/anilove333 
         ▷ https://todayfruit365.blogspot.com

Instagram ▷ https://www.instagram.com/todayfruit365

Facebook ▷ https://www.facebook.com/진홍의-실험과-후기-1950739301633646

Youtube ▷ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQrl-lOQqDWYqUFFHtzINpQ


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