[Fruitarian♡Fruit-based♡Plant-based♡Diet♡D+282] 2018.10.09

홀푸드 Whole Food

과일중심 Fruit-Based

자연식물식 Plant-Based 

고탄수화물 저지방 다이어트
High Carbohydrate Low Fat

프루테리언을 지향하는
다이어트 일기
Fruitarian Diet Diary

I'm Jin-hong.

Is there a lot to think about these days? I think it's too complicated.
So, let's write a short post today.

Today, I went to the agricultural market.
It's a long way from here, it's not as cheap as it is, but...
Now that I've decided to invest a lot in food costs.
Go to the agricultural market to buy delicious fruits.

I bought ripe persimmons, banana and pear.


For lunch, I ate green kiwi first. It was not ripe, but I don't care.
because If I even though wait long time, they will not be ripe. 

I ate five green kiwis..

Add eight persimmons.
They look perfect, but not good to me. they were too much moist. I want more chewy ripe persimmons.
but.. I was hungry.. so, I ate them all.


I had dinner. I want to eat very much and high quality fruit.

First, I ate 1kg frozen mango. I thawed the mango and it was delicious because it was thawed enough.

I felt not full. so, I ate four bananas. It was delicious and chewy.


I felt like I wanted something salty.
I just felt like I wanted filling it up a lot.
But I thought dinner was enough. and I thought It's not good to eat late at night.
I tried to put up with it, but...I couldn't.

I ate a pear, really only. only one.
I bought really cheap pear.. It was not delicious.
I think, I have to expensive fruit.
cheap fruit has very low quality.

Let's have a good lunch tomorrow.
100% Fruit meal Challenge!!

Enjoy Fruit-based Meal!!

Start Plant-based Diet!!


Blog ▷ https://blog.naver.com/anilove333 
         ▷ https://todayfruit365.blogspot.com

Instagram ▷ https://www.instagram.com/todayfruit365

Facebook ▷ https://www.facebook.com/진홍의-실험과-후기-1950739301633646

Youtube ▷ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQrl-lOQqDWYqUFFHtzINpQ


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