[Fruitarian♡Fruit-based♡Plant-based♡Diet♡D+251] 2018.09.08

홀푸드 Whole Food

과일중심 Fruit-Based

자연식물식 Plant-Based 

고탄수화물 저지방 다이어트
High Carbohydrate Low Fat

프루테리언을 지향하는
다이어트 일기
Fruitarian Diet Diary

I'm Jin-hong.

In a long time I overslept.
Even though I fell asleep quite early the day before.

Should I go to bed early today?

First meal

Amazingly. Late lunch.
When I came to my senses It is said that it is after 2 o'clock.
If I don't eat, I'm going to have a big dinner.

Beautiful spoted banana.
Eat more. Eat more.
I ate eight banana.

When I ate finished banana, I felt thirsty.
So, I ate a pear.

Second meal

I had dinner very late.

I ate two grapes.

I feel full, but I want to eat more.
So, I eat food more.

I choose rice and seaweed.
It's so delicious to me.
I ate lot of rice and lot of seaweed.

Happy today!!
Happy tomorrow!!


Blog ▷ https://blog.naver.com/anilove333 
         ▷ https://todayfruit365.blogspot.com

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