[Fruitarian♡Fruit-based♡Plant-based♡Diet♡D+255] 2018.09.12

홀푸드 Whole Food

과일중심 Fruit-Based

자연식물식 Plant-Based 

고탄수화물 저지방 다이어트
High Carbohydrate Low Fat

프루테리언을 지향하는
다이어트 일기
Fruitarian Diet Diary

I'm Jin-hong.

It's getting colder now.
There's a big gap in the day. This is a good time to catch a cold, isn't it?

I will try to prevent a cold by eating fruits well.
Ha Ha Ha

First meal

Is lunch a little late today?
I can't remember what I was working on.
I remember being late for work.

Today is a combination of bananas and apples.
Red apples stand out in my eyes.

Eat delicious apple first.
I ate four lovely sugar spotted bananas.

Second meal

I ate lunch late. Was it a signal?
Dinner is really... I ate too late.
I was very hungry.

No bananas, no side dishes.
So, I was going to eat potatoes today.

For thirst and pre-dinner fruit.
I ate two large red apples first.

It is about time to harvest apples.
I'm going to be having fun for a while.

I wish apple make me a skin beauty. :-)

Main dish is steamed potatoes and stir-fried mushrooms.
I love mushroom so much!!
I stir them very much and ate that all.
Yam Yam :-)

And I ate a bowl of rice and stir-fried beef.
I want to ate only rice.. but my family was mistaken.
He covered my rice with stir-fried beef..!! T_T
I didn't want it to be a food waste.
so, I ate them all.
It's delicious, but not plant-based meal.


I ate dinner too much. But I want to eat some more.
I knew. It was emotional hunger.
But I can't solve them.

I just ate. salted nut. much.

I hope, tomorrow is better than today.


Blog ▷ https://blog.naver.com/anilove333 
         ▷ https://todayfruit365.blogspot.com

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