[Fruitarian♡Fruit-based♡Plant-based♡Diet♡D+256] 2018.09.13

홀푸드 Whole Food

과일중심 Fruit-Based

자연식물식 Plant-Based 

고탄수화물 저지방 다이어트
High Carbohydrate Low Fat

프루테리언을 지향하는
다이어트 일기
Fruitarian Diet Diary

I'm Jin-hong.

I had a stomachache yesterday because I ate too much.
It was really hard to get to work...T_T

Fortunately, I got better after work.


I had a stomachache, so I fasted for lunch.
I had just a cup of tea.

Tea makes me feel better and comfortable.

First meal

I had a light dinner.

I ate one apple which Big, crispy and strong flavor.

And 1 kilogram of frozen mango.

I felt still hungry... so, I ate more.
A bowl of white rice, raw seaweed and green chilis.
oh, I ate one potato too.


After dinner.. I want to eat some snack.
I ate some nuts, a cup of hot tea and some cookies.
They are sweet and crispy. They makes me happy and calm

I'm still feel bad and have emotional hunger.
I hope tomorrow will be better than today.

I hope.


Blog ▷ https://blog.naver.com/anilove333 
         ▷ https://todayfruit365.blogspot.com

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